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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Are you too fat to fly?

According to the boss of Samoa Air, a small airline company operating in the American Samoa region; will begin charging its customers for their tickets, based on their weight rather than the more conventional means, I.E. fuel costs for route, plane capacity etc...So rather than paying for a seat, you pay for the combined weight of your luggage and yourself. Air Samoa's rates range from $1 (65p) to around $4.16 per kilogram.

This is in response to what the company claims is a more fair way of flying. To some people this might not make much sense, but for people like me;its amazing! Being a tall person certainly has its benefits, but it really SUCKS when you need to travel. Its a pain staking don't fit in your seat, there isn't enough elbow room, your knees are up to your chest, then you have the arrogant passenger in front of you who has turned their seat into a LAZY-BOY recliner and it basically feels like you are being crushed. Not to mention the crap food, tiny drinks, boring movies, crying babies, recycled air that stinks of feet and obnoxious co-passengers.

HOWEVER! to an extent, i am used to these trials...having studied in the UK, i flew back and forth from Greece quite often, so i got used to the whole process, and luckily for me i don't fly with EASY JET which has even smaller spaces. YIKES!

The boss of Samoa Air was quoted "Anyone who travels at times has felt they have been paying for half of the passenger next to them." This quote is:


He said that this is in response to promote health awareness in Samoa, which has one of the world's highest levels of obesity.

While i am not sure that this is an effective way to address this social concern, it is an alternative way of thinking which is always nice since obesity is a serious issue and shouldn't be taken lightly.

I don't know what to think of this pricing strategy...for small routes i am sure it might be very cost effective both for the company and the customer. However for longer journeys it might be counter intuitive. Lets not forget that this is a small company though, that operates very few hubs. The one great perk of this system is that there is no restriction on the weight of your bags since it is combined with your weight, to calculate the final cost. Thats a neat way to pass some of the costs for fliers with heavy suitcases. (I'm looking at you, girls!)

Yet i wouldn't be surprised if other companies followed suit in search of new innovative systems. Ryan-Air for example has been lobbying to the EU commission, to allow "Standing Seats" where passengers stand in a designated area within the aircraft in a bid to increase capacity and profits. It goes without saying that this is a retarded idea because it is dangerous, to say the least.

What do you think of this pricing mechanism? Do you think its fair? Would you prefer the price to be based on your combined weight? Or would you prefer the existing systems in place?



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